how many travel in europe crossword clue

The crossword clue "how many travel in Europe" likely refers to the word "EURO" as a clever play on words. Here's an explanation:

Clue Breakdown

  • "How many": This part of the clue hints at something numerical or related to a count or quantity.

  • "Travel in Europe": This part refers to a common form of travel or currency within Europe.

Solution: "EURO"

  • EURO: The euro (€) is the official currency of the eurozone, which includes 19 of the 27 member states of the European Union. It is widely used for travel and transactions within Europe.


  • Currency: Since the euro is used by many people traveling in Europe, it fits the clue both in terms of travel and quantity (how many).

  • Wordplay: Crosswords often use wordplay and indirect hints. "How many" combined with "travel in Europe" can be interpreted as a hint toward the common currency used by many travelers in Europe, which is the euro.

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